About Us

About VMTC


Victorious Ministry Through Christ (VMTC) is an International Ministry founded in 1971 by Anne S. White.  Since then, the ministry has spread from the United States to many other countries.  It is governed by an International Board of Directors and each nation in turn has its own Board of Directors.  These boards are made up of pastors, priests, laymen, and women of different denominations within the Body of Christ.  They have experienced the power of the Lord to “set the captives free” and to “bind up the brokenhearted” and have been trained and released to minister and train others.

The vision of VMTC is to continue to fulfill the ministry Jesus laid out in Luke 4:18-21 for all people to be healed and set free by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.  The mission is to encourage and equip God’s people to continue the healing ministry of Jesus.

VMTC ministry sessions are for Christians seeking wholeness, emotional healing, spiritual deliverance, and deeper commitment to Christ.  It’s not designed to be a crisis ministry.  It is a ministry based on the Word of God and is fully supported by over 150 verses dealing with the healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ.  It is for God’s people who are open to dealing with the hurts and wounds of the past and walk in greater freedom and commitment as they follow Jesus. It involves confession, repentance, and forgiveness. It also deals with the cutting of bondages to people, places, things, and other experiences as well as deliverance and the healing of wounds. The Gifts of the Spirit open areas in the person’s life in a deeper fashion, enabling them to forgive, be forgiven, and be healed while surrounded by the love of God.

The end purpose of the VMTC prayer session is not to solve problems, but to resolve the root causes of problems.  It is not to “fix” someone else but to allow God to “fix” us so we are more like Him.  It is not to heal memories but to change people so they can live victoriously over their past and current circumstances.  Each ministry session takes between four to six hours.  Every session has a team of a man and a woman who minister God’s love to the one receiving ministry.  The sessions are confidential; no notes are taken and at the end of the session everything is given to the Lord through prayer for His care and keeping; except for the love of the Father for the one who has been set free.

Presently, we have three schools of VMTC prayer ministry: in Redding and Lodi California as well as the third in central Illinois.  Ministry takes place in those three locations during the schools as well in other churches and homes where there are prayer ministers in between schools.


What is VMTC?


VMTC, also known as the VMTC Prayer Ministry, serves as a divine channel through which the spiritual gifts of God flow, enveloping individuals with an abundance of His limitless love. This profound encounter facilitates the growth and maturation of the Fruit of the Spirit within those who actively seek ministry, providing a truly transformative experience.

Scripturally Based Approach

VMTC lovingly applies the Word of God with Spirit-filled anointed prayer. The sessions are built on a foundation of 150 verses of Scripture dealing with healing, deliverance, and the teaching ministry of Jesus.

In-Depth Dealing with Barriers

The VMTC “house-cleaning” session prepares the person to deal more effectively with relationships by removing the “hidden baggage” that cause confusion and loss of focus.This prayer ministry session prevents disruption and distraction from your goal of total commitment.

A Mission Toward Victorious Living

Our goal is not to solve problems, but to get at the root cause of the problem. While we cannot heal painful memories, we can help heal the relationships so you are no longer enslaved by memories. A VMTC session does not change the circumstance. Rather, it changes people to live victoriously above circumstances.

VMTC Denominational Relationships

We have provided Schools of VMTC Prayer Ministry since 1971. Directed by an ecumenical board made of pastors, priests, laymen, and laywomen of different denominations within the body of Christ, the Church including:

  • Episcopal
  • Anglican
  • United Methodist
  • United Church of Christ
  • Disciples of Christ
  • Charismatic, non-denominational
  • Lutheran
  • Mennonite
  • Assembly of God


“Two-in-Agreement” Ministry

Each team is composed of one man and one woman ministering together in the unity of the Spirit to “set the captive free.”


Adequate Time

Our focus is not on speed, but on conscientious attention to deal with long-standing problems and relationships. Our prayer ministers are committed to going the distance until a new level of lasting freedom is obtained. Some sessions may last four to five hours.


VMTC Prayer Ministry Team Members

We practice what we preach. Each Prayer Minister has received Prayer Ministry at least three to four times. VMTC Team Members’ training involves “clinical training” with supervision and they must demonstrate they fulfill ministry standards.



VMTC International Ministry Locations

We have provided Clergy Schools of VMTC Prayer Ministry since 1971. Directed by an ecumenical board made of pastors, priests, laymen, and laywomen of different denominations within the body of Christ, the Church including:

  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Southeast Asia
  • India
  • Uganda
  • Kenya
  • Cameroon
  • Tanzania
  • Congo (Eastern Africa)
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Papua New Guinea,  & Fiji